2012年6月24日 星期日

Minecraft Tutorial SE02 - Land Marks

Landmarks are ultra-useful if you are lost.
My landmark that I am going to show is a little bit different.
Most people build their landmarks by building a tall cobblestone pillar with torches on it.
There is a disadvantage (or a few)

1. If you are in a jungle or forest, your sight is likely to be blocked by trees.
2. If you are out of render distance, you are lost for ever.

Now, how does my type work?
You simply put a cobblestone in front of your front door (about 10 to 20 blocks away is fine)
Then place a torch on the cobblestone, pointing at your home.
That is your first landmark, build land marks that point to the previous one and that will make a path to your home if you are lost.
Place landmarks everywhere you go, try to avoid making a loop with your landmarks or else you will be wondering in circles.

