2012年6月21日 星期四

Batch Tutorial 00

I am doing this tutorial, assuming that the readers have no knowledge about it.
Firstly, we need to be clear of what batch is.
You can make simple games, or useful files with it, and all you need is a notepad!

Goto start, run (or search), type in "cmd"

Ok, now you should have a black screen appearing.

That is a command prompt, it allows you to access your computer in a different way.
Alright, let's get to know the commands.

Type in "help"

You will see a list of commands that you can access. You do not need to know all of them.
Now open a notepad. (or any other extended version such as Notepad++)
If you have a notepad full of batch commands and save it as batch file (.bat) , the computer will then run the commands from top to bottom rapidly.
Note : You do not need cmd to be opened, it will start a cmd when it is ran.
Now you can close your command prompt if you wish to.

In your notepad, type in the first line "@echo off"

This makes a difference, not in how the file works, but how it looks.

without "@echo off" as your first line, you will have the line of your command which in my opinion, it's ugly.

The line is now removed with "@echo off"
This is the end of tutorial 00, in tutorial 01 we will start making simple batch files!

