2012年6月30日 星期六

To That Special Person I Love

I know I am stupid, I know I never listened.
I know I am annoying when I am depressed.
I know I am not awesome at making people feel good.
I know I get jealous too easily.
There is one thing that you need to know : I love you
But as you also know, we can't be together for religious reasons and we will never meet.
All I can give you is pain, and you will not like that.
I know that you have been trying not to upset me, but we are not meant to be together.
Let's make things simple, we never knew each other and we will never know each other again.
You did not upset me in any way, this time, it's my fault.

I am sorry

2012年6月28日 星期四

Minecraft Tutorial SE05 - Cave Mining

When doing a cave mining, you can make landmarks without using cobblestones.
Simply place your torch only to your right, when you want to return to surface, walk with torches on your left.
This is extremely helpful except for mineshaft conditions.
However, you can also try to work out the structure of the cave.
You should mark the number of layers, the path of the layer and the special places(e.g. lava lake)
Maps should have label for each path to another map.

This kind of map will do, layer 1 is connected with layer 2 by hole A.
And marking of lava will make it a lot safer especially when your computer is lagging.
I hope this helped!

2012年6月25日 星期一

Minecraft Tutorial SE04 - Combat Techniques

These are techniques to fight against different mobs.

Critical strike with sword works best, they are slow and they need to got really close to attack.

Skeleton can be defeated easily using different ways.
Critical strikes are still the best, but remember to defend whenever you are going to get hurt.
If you ever get hit and is far away from it, you might consider using a bow or using a knock back strike.

Bow NEVER works, you need to have a sword, keep turning your face until you see him.
Once he teleported, you need to locate him once again and try to hit him.
Sometimes he doesn't teleport, he will just go straight at you, in that case, use your critical strike.

Spiders are easily beaten, it is the first mob I have defeated and it couldn't even touch me even when I have nothing but dirt.
It comes closer to you and jump to attack, which makes out life easy.
when it jumps, just do normal attack on it and it will fly back to where it started.
It is also large (size 1x2x2) so it can't go into small spaces.
They are not affected by webs and can climb walls.

It has 3 sizes, which when the big one is killed they splits into 2-4 medium size slimes.
The medium size slimes splits into 2-4 small slimes when killed.
Small slimes are harmless but they are able to push you.
Remember, they are evil!
They are easily killed in any way.

Cave Spiders:
A dangerous mob which only appear in abandoned mineshaft, it is only spawned by its spawner.
The spawner is normally (or always) covered by webs.
It is 1x1x1 in size and it poisons players with it's bite.
It's behavior is just the same as spiders except they are faster and slower.
They can also go through webs without being slowed and climb.
The best way to defeat them is to break all the webs and break the spawner as fast as you can.

Zombie Pigmen:
They are passive creatures which attacks in groups if any of them is offended by the player.
They will become hostile once the player attacked any of them.
The only way to put them back into passive is to turn the mode to peaceful or kill all the pigmen in the area.
They hold a golden sword and the attack damage is equal to the damage of golden swords.
They are hard to fight against because of their group behavior.
There are not really any techniques to use against them, but splash potion of healing damages them.

Large jellyfish that throws fireballs at you, fireballs explode if it collides with a block or a mob.
Best way to fight against it is to shoot with a bow.

Magma Cubes:
Same as Slimes, but stronger and is not affected by lava.
Because of that, most of them lives in lava.
It is killed easily in anyways, just avoid being hit.

A golden mob that flies and throws fire at you.
It also attacks melee but only when its really close to you.
It is only spawned by the spawners in the fortress.
It can be killed easily by blocking the path that it can fly, then while it's trapped, treat it like zombies.
Be careful if you do not have a fire resistance potion with you, they can still burn you with range attack.

Spider Jockey:
It is a skeleton riding a spider and it has all the abilities of skeletons and spiders combined together.
It shoots arrows and moves fast, it can climb and jump.
It is one of the fastest mob in the game.
The way to fight it is to kill the skeleton, then the spider.
The spider is useless by itself.

It is spawned with silverfish spawner eggs which disguise as bricks in stronghold.
Once the egg is broken as a brick, it spawns a silverfish, and if a silverfish is attacked in melee, it breaks all the nearby eggs. It is very weak, just keep waving your sword.

Ender Dragon:
Large dragons which spawns only in ender world.
It is healed by the healing blocks on the obsidian pillars which spawns in the ender world.
It is best defeated with bows, but break the healing blocks first.
Bring a large amount of arrows, shoot the healing block and if your arrow really hits it, it should break and stop healing the ender dragons.

2012年6月24日 星期日

Minecraft Tutorial SE03 - Abandoned Mineshaft

An abandoned mineshaft is ultra-big most of the time and for some reasons, there is always one under the deserts.
It has wood and fences set up throughout the mineshaft and it is said to start from an empty room full of dirt.
It is really dangerous especially when you are playing in hard mode.
This is the only place to find cave spiders, cocoa beans, melon seeds and saddles.
Chests spawn with treasures in it throughout the mineshaft.
To explore, you need a compass so that you can find a way home.
Landmarks hardly work in here as it looks the same everywhere.

This is a view of a mineshaft.
I got myself really prepared before I looked for one.

I have 832 cooked chickens
163 cooked beefs
355 rotten freshes
352 coals
419 iron ingots
83 diamonds
10368 building materials
Lots of brewing resources
I have farmed everything and mass produced them
I have everything I need in my house

However, no matter how rich you are, a mineshaft is always dangerous in hard mode.
You can drop into lava suddenly without noticing (That is why I have a fire resistance potion)
Cave spiders are small and fast, they poison you by attack and you lose a lot of health per second.
Creepers can appear randomly and blow you into a never ending deep hole.

These are the things I recommend you to have:
Few pickaxes (iron)
Few swords and bows
2 to 4 sets of arrows
A map
A compass
A clock
A lot of food
At least one set of cobblestone
A fire resistance potion or a bucket full of water
A lot of torches (3 to 5 sets or more)
A full set of armor (at least iron)
Some potions (if possible)

Remember, a spider is 1x2x2 but a cave spider is 1x1x1 and is stronger than a normal spider.
Be aware while exploring and remember to light everywhere so that monsters does not spawn.
I am not sure if I said this before, but chickens are evil!
If you see chickens or slimes, kill them!
This is not proven, but chickens or tiny slimes always push you towards dangers!
I fell into lava three times because of them.

Thank you for reading and be aware of chickens!

Batch Tutorial 02 - Choice

Today we are going to learn "choice" command!
It is really useful in communicating with the client.
It gives a choice of however many you want, determined by the keys you want them to press.
Default keys are Y and N.

choice /n
"/n" hides the choices that you have given, you use this if the choices are already listed.

choice /m
"/m" sends everything behind it as a message, most of the time it is placed last

choice /c
"/c" is the one that allows you to set the choices, let's say if you have "choice /n /c xyz" then there are three choices : x, y and z.

choice /t
"/t" sets the time that the client needs to chose in.

choice /d
"/d" choses the choice after it if time set in "/t" has ran out.

Errorlevels are important, let's use the last example.
In x, y and z, the first choice is errorlevel 1, followed by 2 and 3.
x is errorlevel 1
y is errorlevel 2
z is errorlevel 3
Here is an example :

@echo off
choice /n /c xyz
if errorlevel 3 goto c
if errorlevel 2 goto b
if errorlevel 1 goto a
ehco You took x
pause => nul
echo You took y
pause => nul
echo You took z
pause => nul

The errorlevels must start from the biggest number and end with the smallest or else it will not work (I don't know the reason as well)
We will be using this command in our next tutorial, and I hope you understood!

Minecraft Tutorial SE02 - Land Marks

Landmarks are ultra-useful if you are lost.
My landmark that I am going to show is a little bit different.
Most people build their landmarks by building a tall cobblestone pillar with torches on it.
There is a disadvantage (or a few)

1. If you are in a jungle or forest, your sight is likely to be blocked by trees.
2. If you are out of render distance, you are lost for ever.

Now, how does my type work?
You simply put a cobblestone in front of your front door (about 10 to 20 blocks away is fine)
Then place a torch on the cobblestone, pointing at your home.
That is your first landmark, build land marks that point to the previous one and that will make a path to your home if you are lost.
Place landmarks everywhere you go, try to avoid making a loop with your landmarks or else you will be wondering in circles.

Minecraft Tutorial 06 - Combat

Today we will be doing combating!

These are actually useful enough for you to survive without armor.
By the way, remember to mass produce your chickens for food!
Make sure your chicken is cooked before you eat, it restores more food points and there is no chance of getting poisoned. (Eating raw chicken meat can get you poisoned)